Pretzel Mom: the twisted path to work-life happiness.


Hi there. I'm, Lisa and despite the title of this blog, I actually am not that into pretzels.  What I am into is the constant search for the seemingly unattainable "work-life balance" and figuring out what that means for me. 

I am a mom to a 4 year old girl, a 1 year old boy and a 5 year old French Bulldog and a working woman.  I'm passionate about my career in Marketing, my family, friends and my personal time - but more often than not, I am overwhelmed by the feeling that there's too much going on and I cannot in fact, do it all. 


 This is not just a blog about being a mommy or a wife or a "career woman" it's a blog about living life and figuring some of it out. I hope you'll come along with me and maybe give me some tips of your own.  

Want to know more? You can find me on twitter and instagram and here!



Big hair don't care. 

Big hair don't care. 

Yes, my dog is barking at her own reflection in the dresser...she's special.

Yes, my dog is barking at her own reflection in the dresser...she's special.